Pipes Miles Beckman is pleased to announce that it is ranked in the 2025 Best Lawyers “Best Law Firms” list. The firm is ranked regionally in six practice areas.
Pipes Miles Beckman is regionally ranked in the following practice areas:
New Orleans - Tier 1
New Orleans - Tier 3
Energy Law
Litigation - Real Estate
About Best Lawyers® Best Law Firms
Best Law Firms rankings provide comprehensive information about thousands of top law firms nationwide including data on areas of expertise, lawyers, awards, office locations and more. A ranking from Best Law Firms signifies both a high-quality practice and a breadth of legal expertise.
Ranked firms, presented in three tiers, are recognized on a national and regional-based scale determined by the scope of the firm's work and geographic coverage of their practice. The firm with the highest level of feedback is also named the "Law Firm of the Year" in each national practice area.